Blankenship Blessings

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Friday, September 10, 2004


The weeks seem to pass very quickly as I get older. The kids are growing up and my hair is greying. I am reminded of the brevity of life and our responsibility to make the most of every opportunity. I am also reminded of how blessed we are. I have never known war, poverty, or hunger. There are many I am now called to serve who have never known peace, plenty or fulfillment. This realization humbles me. We are so privileged.

I was sitting in my backyard on Saturday, enjoying the afternoon sun and watching the kids play and I realized that my close friends from Palestine have never had the priviledge of playing without fear. Never had the freedom to travel and see the world. Never had the joy of knowing that their children have a future. Never had the assurance of their own forgiveness and eternal life. I want to give so much to them. May God be glorified.


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